Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Almost there

Got out to the airport late morning and got everything ready to move the Bridgeport. Quick phone call to the Airport manager Donald had this Volvo down in less than 5 min.! He came down with the fork attachment hanging from the bucket. The operator does not even have to get out, he set down the fork, then detached the bucket and then picked up the fork attachment. Took 30 sec max. Really slick setup.
We then laid out the safety rules. Since I only have $800 in the mill and it costs that much to get in the door at the Urgent Care, if she goes , let her go. We picked it up by the head tube, with some boards to protect the machine.
It took two tries , and we got it a little off center on the pallet but it should be OK. Main thing is it's out of the way.
I spent the next couple hours moving stuff around , trying to make room for the Cub. I got it so the tail will go in first , but I'm still about 2 foot short of getting the nose in. Some rain showers moved in early afternoon and since the plane is outside during this operation, I had to bag it for today. Tomorrow morning should finish the hanger project.
When I got home the UPS man had left me some presents! All the engine parts back from Aircraft Specialties and the muffler back from Dawley. Everything looks great and I will try the muffler tomorrow. Hopefully the 4th time will be the charm. I'm shooting for Friday to put the wings on.

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