Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Boot cowling

Not much visible progress today, worked on the boot cowling and the fuel shutoff lever. Started the day by removing the tail and storing and marking everything for reassembly. This allowed me to get the fuselage back into the shop . I then fitted the boot cowling and finalized the locations of the control exits and the gascolator and cabin heat box. I did the holes by drilling, breaking out the center, nibbling, then carbide burr.
Someone had pounded the stiffener ridges flat where the cabin heat box attaches , this resulted in a big wucka because the extra metal had no where to go. I made this tool to reset the ridge. Worked great.
I then used just the right deep well socket to reset the dimple.
I then installed the grommets the gascolator and the cabin heat box and installed the boot cowl on the airplane to check fit.
I will have to make a cover plate to close this hole that someone cut in the wrong place. There is a structural tube right behind the hole???!!!

Thank goodness they gave up on this project before they completely ruined this part. I have decided to install nut plates for the windshield strip and the top center joint and that will allow me to install the cowl without removing the fuel tank.
I then spent some time on the fuel valve installation and the fuel shut off control. The new Univair aluminum tank is slightly different from my old original tern plate tank. I had to make an extra piece to make the control housing bracket work. I will make a nicer looking part tomorrow.
  Even my helper was bored with the lack of progress today !

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