Friday, April 29, 2011

Rigging complete

As forecast today was a beautiful day to work on the Cub. I planned to do all the rigging today, but my buds had other chores . I started by leveling the fuselage. I could not use the factory level points because they had been covered with the interior fabric. I ended up using the "V" tubes that come aft from the cabane to the rear wing fittings. I managed to get the tail rigged pretty close. The lower right wire is a little tight because I had to use it to pull the fin over to be vertical. It should unload a little in flight from the down force on the tail. I was about to give up when I got a brain storm on how to use my Little Giant ladder, the prop box, some wood scraps and a floor jack, to make a wing lift. This rig allowed me to unload the strut fork bolts so I could remove them and adjust the forks without any help. I ended up having to compromise on the wing rigging because I ran out of rear strut adjustment. I got the wash out right at 1 degree however the dihedral angle is about 1/2 degree too much. Here is a shot from the front, kinda looks like it will fly.
I know that it looks crooked but the water level indicates the wing tips are the exact same height. I'm sure it will take a little fine tuning because so many of the ribs have repairs and minor distortion. I then fitted the jury struts. I will use these to push down the right struts about one blond hair thickness to eliminate a little lower door rub.
I still have not completed the aileron installation. I ran into some cable rub problems due to the wider PA12 front struts. I need some thicker bushings here and that means longer bolts.
All these details take time but she's finally starting to look like an aeroplane.

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