Not much progress on Wednesday. It's been really hot and I had some visitors . I had good intentions and managed to get a few parts primed . I disassembled the two throttle arms and removed the multiple coats of old paint and rust, I bead blasted the turnbuckle fittings on the rudder cables that were a little rusty, and I cleaned the trim handle for repaint. The door actuating arms were already prepared for paint. Here they are all primed.
While I was painting these parts, a guy showed up from the city's codes and compliance department. Seems that "someone" complained about my dilapidated Chevy Van/Storage unit. He explained that it had to be parked on a gravel or paved surface. I explained that where it was parked it was shielded from the road by my hedge and trees . That it could hardly be seen. I can only assume that he thought it was not road legal, because the look on his face was priceless when I got in fired it up and backed it out on the street in front of the house. I will leave it there for a week just to piss off whom ever "complained" then park it behind the house.
After that incident I decided to go flying and enjoy the sunset and harvest moon rise.
Today I got a better start and got the black paint on the throttles and trim handle. I will just let these dry naturally . Here they are all painted.
With the really hot dry weather, I decided to go ahead with the covering on the lower door. It has had 6 days to dry now so the Poly Tack should not effect the epoxy primer. I got one side glued on and it got too hot to work. I went out after dinner and finished attaching the fabric. Here it is ready for final shrinking.
I should be able to get the Poly Brush and tapes on tomorrow. Might as well finish this while I have this beautiful weather. Fall is just around the corner.
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